"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."
~William Wordsworth

Saturday, March 10, 2012


My blog is undergoing maintenance, and it should be finished soon. I will be adding a new thing at the top of the right side bar called "Song of the Week", so be sure to check out the song each week. I decided I want to share my favorite songs each week because I feel music is so important, and the songs are too good not to share! It's just a fun extra thing for my lovely devoted readers (not that I really have any, but let's pretend for a while that I do haha). ;-) Also, I know I kind of just dropped the weekly goals thing a while back without a word. The reason: I'm just lazy. I'm still working on goals in my life, I just can't get myself to make time to post about them on here lol. I've been really working on my book as of late (Almost 150 pages now! :-D), so I put my extra time into that and playing my new game, Mass Effect 3 haha. :-D The Song of the Week will be much easier to keep updated because it only takes a minute to change the video. Anyway, I'll be messing around with my blog for a bit to change things up some, just so you won't be confused if things keep changing randomly. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Everyone has at least one obsession. Whether it's with something small and harder to notice, or with something that consumes your life, you have at least one. The degree of the obsession can vary as well.
My obsession?
I am completely obsessed with them. They are so awesome and powerful, yet graceful and intelligent. I draw them, I write about them, I talk about them, I read about them, I listen to music about them, I watch movies about them, I play games with them. I'm not obnoxious about it (well except maybe to my husband, but he loves them too, so it's not the worst thing to smother him with), but if you come to our apartment, you will see dragons just about everywhere. Drawings, posters, decorations, figurines, books, games, movies...and if you look on my computer, a large portion of what's on there are dragon pictures, songs, and my dragon book in progress.
Yes, my dragon book. If you don't already know, I'm writing a book that's heavily about dragons. I've yet to find a book with enough dragons in it to satisfy my craving, even books about dragons don't have enough of them, I feel. That is why I'm writing my own dragon book, and it has a lot of dragons in it. If you don't like dragons, my book is not for you. Or perhaps it is. Perhaps you should read my book to better understand them and maybe then you would fall in love with them. I am writing this book for me, mostly. Anyway, enough on my book. If you are intrigued and want to know more, go to my other blog: http://heartofadragonseries.blogspot.com/
I wanted to share with my followers my one big obsession. I would love some comments with others' obsessions or make a post of your own even! I could go on and on and on about my obsession, but I'll leave it at that and put some of my favorite pictures of dragons up. Enjoy. ;)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Look!

Since it's almost Valentine's Day, I figured I would change up my blog to fit the holiday. Hope you like it! Happy Valentine's Day! (Should be putting up another actual post soon so keep an eye out for it!)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Draig Battlehorn

I spent almost the entire day yesterday working on this drawing, and I think it turned out pretty well! It was done in charcoal (which is SO fun to use, btw!), and it was done for a Design A Dragon contest. I had to draw or describe a dragon I designed, and give him a personality (with favorite food, sleeping place, and an intense fear). Hopefully I will win, because I get a sweet dragon prize pack if I do, and you all know how much I love dragons...lol Anyway, this was my entry! :)

Hello apprentices! My name is Christina Strang, dragon expert, and this (*indicates photo*) is Draig Battlehorn, the most irritable and arrogant dragon in all the land. He is often seen circling the mouth of the fiery volcano he lives in, lounging on nearby rocks as his slaves shine his scales, or napping on the very highest point of his volcanic home. His eyes glow the color of molten lava, and his flaming red scales are so smooth and shiny, it appears as if he doesn't have any scales at all. The only way to distinguish one scale from another is if you are in very close quarters, and if you are that close to this angry dragon, you are probably not going to live to tell the tale. When Draig leaves his lair, a path of destruction and death is left in his wake. There is a rumor going around that the only way to escape this evil dragon is to claim that you see a scale that has lost its shine. He will be so distracted trying to find the dull scale, you will have a chance to escape. You see, an old witch looked into the future and told him that she saw he would die if any of his scales ever became dull, so he is deathly afraid of the vision coming true. If one should ever need to seek his aid, heaven forbid, bringing him his favorite treat (salamanders burnt to a crisp) might buy you some time to pose your question. I hope you never cross paths with this vile creature, but at least now you know how best to attempt to escape with your life if you ever do run into him.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

$500 Shopping Spree = AWESOME :D

My husband and I got a phone call the other day, from which we learned that we were the winners of this drawing that we had entered in forever ago. We won a $500 gift certificate to a pawn shop! Unfortunately, we had to travel to Roy, Utah to get to the nearest of that particular store, but it worked out great! I had imagined the store to be a little bigger and have more things in it, but it was actually pretty small and didn't have exactly what I thought it would have. However, it was still a pretty nice store, and they did have a lot of awesome stuff in there for pretty reasonable prices. This is what we ended up getting:

An X-Box 360 Elite (with a second controller that they gave us for free)
A Nintendo Wii (with two controllers plus a nunchuk too)
A Nook
All Six Episodes of Star Wars (and for only 15 bucks too!)
Transformers 1 & 2 (also for only 15 bucks!)
And A Whole Bunch Of Games
               -Bully Scholarship Edition (Wii)
               -Borderlands (PS3)
               -UFC Undisputed 2010 (PS3)
               -The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (X-Box 360)
               -Call of Duty 3 (X-Box 360)
               -Two Worlds (X-Box 360)
               -NHL 2K6 (X-Box 360)
               -Fable II (X-Box 360)

We ended up getting a lot of stuff, and we didn't even have to pay for it! On top of all that, we also found a disc still in the X-Box 360's tray (NCAA Footbal 12, which is like a $60 game!), and ANOTHER disc in the Wii (Madden NFL 10)! Getting that certificate was like Christmas all over again, only we didn't end up broke afterwards! All-in-all, a pretty awesome day, I would say! Amid all this chaos and stress that is our life, we were blessed with this amazing gift, and I'm so thankful for it! You never know when something like this will happen to you. ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Weekly Goals #11: The Goals

Hello, Readers! *waves*
Okay, so last time's goals were kind of a flop, and this week is Christmas so it's gonna be a little crazy, so I'm going to set some easier goals and try to get them done if I have the time.
1. Get Christmas shopping done! I haven't even really started on it yet! We are kind of waiting for a check to come so we can go do it. So, if the check does come, then we can get it all done, but if not, we can at least buy some little cheap things until it does come if we need to. Either way, we need to get it done!
2. Get things ready for Christmas! We need to figure out what we are doing and get all of the stuff we need ready to go! We only have one week left! :)
3. Send those two missionary letters! I really REALLY need to send them! So, I'll write them today, and get them sent out tomorrow so they might have a chance of making it to them before Christmas. If not, at least it will be soon after.
And that's all I'm gonna do this week! I would like to get some writing done as well, but I'm not going to set that as a goal, since I'm not sure how much time I will really have this week, and I kind of want to relax and enjoy the holiday. Well, hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and gets everything they want! I'll probably post a Christmas post on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day. Somewhere around there. Have a great week! :)

Weekly Goals #10: Wrap-up

Yes, I know, this is a week delayed! I got so busy with other things I just didn't even have the time to post last week, so I decided to just wait another week and take a week off of the goals. Well, I pretty much took both weeks off actually...I kinda failed at the goal thing this week lol Pretty much the only goal I did was the Christmas Cookies when my friend came down to visit. I didn't even look for my piano books or write the missionary letters. *guilty* I did write a little on my story, but I've been in kind of a lazy funk lately and haven't really wanted to do much on it. I did, however, make my mom's Christmas present. I'll post pics after I get some taken, it's so cute! I also have been reading my book this week, and I got a new game so I've been playing that. How could I resist a How to Train Your Dragon game? It was supposed to be for Christmas, but I couldn't wait so I got it early lol I bought Matt an Orson Scott Card book that he hadn't read yet, and let him have it early too since I got one early. He loves it. haha Anyway, back to business. So I didn't do so well on the goals this week, and this next week's Christmas, so I might not get much done then either, but I'll set a couple of easier goals and try to find time for them.