"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."
~William Wordsworth

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Piece By Piece, The Masterpiece Forms

The story is coming along! A bit slowly at the moment because I'm lazy and haven't wanted to sit down to focus on it for a while, but it's still slowly coming together. I have just had a lot of stress keeping me from focusing on anything else lately. Hopefully that will soon change. I decided I want to make a bigger map with more land I think. Not sure if I will just shrink all of the things I have on the map now so there is more space in between everything or if I will just add more pieces of land around it, but I'm definitely going to have to change it a little. I have been doing quite a bit of reading lately and watching Netflix and both have given me more ideas for things to happen in my story. My plan is to get the map finished and work more on the plot and make a step by step plan for how I want things to happen and be revealed. Then after that its developing my characters and their characteristics. I'm pretty excited for that part. I have been going through all the music on my computer and separating them into playlists based on the emotion I get from the songs so that when I'm writing a sad part I can put on the sad playlist and not suddenly have an action song come on. Listening to the right music really sucks me in and I can write better and with more emotion to convey to my readers. Usually if the music has words tho, it's harder for me to concentrate so I try to stick to instrumentals, especially Epic Music. Hope to have more info for another update soon because that means I actually got some work done on it! ;)