"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."
~William Wordsworth

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weekly Goals #5: The Goals

This week I need to work extra hard to accomplish more on my goals! Since I didn't finish last week's goals, I might try something else for a week, and come back to those ones the next time around. I might just need a break and to set some different goals to get me encouraged again. So, for this week:
1. Kind of an overlap - Finish out the ending of my story. I didn't get it finished because it's taking a little longer than I thought to get it done. I may not be able to finish it completely this week either, but I'll set my goal there so I will work hard.
2. Write another missionary letter! I sent out one a while ago to one of my friends, and another one recently to another friend, and I just got a reply from the first one. So, I want to make sure I get a reply sent out quicker this time!
3. Get some reading done! I didn't really do much reading this week, and I want to make sure I am keeping up on that, because it helps me stay inspired and encouraged to write on my own story. Right now, I am reading a book called Bitterwood, and I'm reading it at the same time as my husband so that we can discuss it together. He keeps getting ahead of me because he reads faster than me and has more time to read than I do usually. So I need to get some reading done so I can stay caught up! haha
Okay! Those are this next week's goals! We will see how they go! Hopefully better than last time haha. Make sure you shoot on over to my other blog and check it out too! I'll be posting something on it in just a bit! And please click "Follow" so I know people are reading it, and don't be afraid to comment too! Helps me stay encouraged ;)

Weekly Goals #4: Wrap-up

One more week down! I really didn't do so hot on the goals this week though...In fact, I pretty much failed this week. But hey, at least I survived the week, right? I really didn't do much on reading scriptures like I wanted. :\ As for the piano? Again, didn't really do much lol. BUT...I have been working on my story. Figuring out the ending is proving to be a little more difficult than I thought it was going to be, so I didn't finish, but I have been working on it pretty much all week. So some progress was made, even though a lot of the time was spent imagining the epicness that will be the battles at the end. Can't wait to write that part haha. Anyway, so I really didn't do very well on the goals this week, which means I have to step up my game for this next week. Next week's goals to follow.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Weekly Goals #4: The Goals

So, I'm a little slow getting these posted, but late is better than never right? haha Anyway, here are this next week's goals:
1. Overlap from last week - Read the scriptures at least once for ten minutes a day. I pretty much failed this one last week, so let's try this again and see if I can do better, hm?
2. Well, I've got all the colors of the dragons finished for my story, so now setting a goal for it will be more difficult, but how about I try to finish out the last of the story? I don't know if I will have time to completely finish it, but that's where I'll set the goal at and go from there haha.
3. We went to a concert Saturday night for Jon Schmidt, Steven Sharp Nelson, and Daniel Beck, and it made me want to practice my piano skills more! I'm REALLY slacking off in that department as well, so this week I want to work on practicing on my keyboard a bit. I just need to get my fingers on that keyboard, even if it's just once haha.
Well, that's it for now! Might post again on the blog this week sometime, but if not, until next weekend!

Weekly Goals #3: Wrap-up

Okay, so this week, I didn't do so well on my goals! I did finally finish the colors of the dragons for my story line though! Hooray! I pretty much bombed on the scripture reading one, so I might have to try that one again this week...haha. I didn't do much in the art department either really, except I did carve a couple of pumpkins and design the templates for them and everything (with help from the internet of course), so I'll post pics of those. I wish I had done more though! It's hard when I have such limited art supplies at the moment though, so maybe I can get some more supplies in the future and do a little more. I hope you all had a good week!  Another post to follow with this next week's goals!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekly Goals #3: The Goals

Okay! This week I should be able to get more done but we will see how it goes! So, without further ado...this week's goals!
#1: Overlap of one of last week's goals - Finishing the colors of the dragons in my storyline. Made it close, but still gotta finish them up! I would like to get the ending of the story figured all out too, but we will see how the last of the dragons go, and go from there.
#2: This week, I'm going to go a little more on the spiritual side and read my scriptures at least once every day for at least ten min each day. I've REALLY slacked off in this area, and it's time I kicked my butt back into gear and got going on that again.
#3: Last night, I was talking to a couple of friends and decided I really need to do more arts and crafts things again! So this week I want to try to do at least one art project, even if it's just drawing a dragon or something. I'll post pics at the end of the week of what I get done!
So, there are this next week's goals. Let's hope I can keep pushing myself to get things done and be more productive, yes? Until next time! Also, please go check out my other blog for more info on my story. I should be putting up another post on there with a more in-depth update. And remember to click "Follow" too, so I know people are actually interested in hearing about it!

Weekly Goals #2: Wrap-up

Once again I'm a little late posting because this week I've had SO much to do! I have been working both the raspberry picking and working at Lee's almost every day this week! (Mon-Fri for Raspberries and Mon-Sat for the Bakery). So It's been a looong week! However, it was fairly successful with my goals!
I did really well on not saying "I hate people." I caught myself starting to say it quite a few times and even Matt helped catch me when I would say it, so it worked out pretty well. I'll continue to try to not say it while I work on more goals this week.
As for finishing the colors of the dragons for my storyline...well, didn't quite finish them, BUT...I DID get a few other kinks in the beginning of the storyline mostly figured out and the Blue Dragons' part completely finished and already have the idea for the Gold's part so just have to type it up and then get the Red's done. As I near the end of the dragon colors, it gets harder and harder to come up with something for them. So, didn't quite finish this goal yet, but I did have very limited time this week and got a lot done for the time I did have. I'll just stretch it out a little longer and overlap it with this next weeks goals.
I'm really enjoying setting goals for myself so I am almost forced to get some things done to better myself and to keep this story rolling, so for now I'm going to continue to do it. Hope I don't bore you with it all! If I do, oh well, you'll live. :P haha Hope everyone had a great week, and I'll post next week's goals in a little bit!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Weekly Goals #2: The Goals

Okay! Week #1 was a success so now it's time for Week #2! I'm a little late posting these goals because I've been pretty busy, but here they are now!
For the first goal, I want to do everything I can to avoid using the phrase "I hate people"...I say it way too much and I should be better haha So, for this week I'm going to refrain from using that phrase and from the negative thoughts that accompany it as much as I can. It's going to be tough because there are a lot of people that do things that make me mad, but we will see how this goes!
The second goal for this week has to do with my story again. I find that when I have a goal to get something done on it, I push harder to do it. So for this week I'm going to say I want to go ahead and finish the last of the dragon colors in my story-line. It's a little more than last time so I can build up slowly to get more and more done each week. Gotta push myself or it will never get done!
A review of my progress on these goals will be posted at the end of the week!
Wish Me Luck!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weekly Goals #1: Wrap-up

Success! I was able to complete both goals this week! Wrote a long letter to Elder Scott Crowther and sent it out. It felt good to vent out a bunch of my problems and thoughts, knowing he will read it and write back to me, because he is so good at that. I'm glad I finally got that sent out and I hope he got it.
I also figured out the Brass Dragons' part in my storyline! I finished the White Dragons' part, and figured out the Brass, and even have an idea for the next color, which are the Blues. I still have to work on that part and get it typed up, but mostly I think I've got that figured out. So exciting!
Feels good to reach the goals I set for myself! Makes it feel like I at least accomplish a couple of things in a week. :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Blog For My Story!

Just created a new and separate blog just for my story updates so it's easier to keep track! Go check it out! http://heartofadragonseries.blogspot.com/

Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekly Goals #1: The Goals

Okay, as I mentioned in my last post, I'm going to start setting one or two goals for myself every week. Some will take longer and overlap into other weeks, while others will be shorter. Anyway, for this week I'm going to write/send a letter to at least one missionary on their mission, if not two. I've put it off for too long, so I need to get some sent out. The other goal for this week is to figure out at least the next color of dragon's part in my storyline. I'll hope for more, but at least one is my goal. The next color of dragon I have to figure out (after I quickly wrap up a couple of things for the White Dragon's part) is the Brass Dragons. Okay, well here goes nothing! I'll post again probably in about a week as to how it all went!