"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."
~William Wordsworth

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekly Goals #2: Wrap-up

Once again I'm a little late posting because this week I've had SO much to do! I have been working both the raspberry picking and working at Lee's almost every day this week! (Mon-Fri for Raspberries and Mon-Sat for the Bakery). So It's been a looong week! However, it was fairly successful with my goals!
I did really well on not saying "I hate people." I caught myself starting to say it quite a few times and even Matt helped catch me when I would say it, so it worked out pretty well. I'll continue to try to not say it while I work on more goals this week.
As for finishing the colors of the dragons for my storyline...well, didn't quite finish them, BUT...I DID get a few other kinks in the beginning of the storyline mostly figured out and the Blue Dragons' part completely finished and already have the idea for the Gold's part so just have to type it up and then get the Red's done. As I near the end of the dragon colors, it gets harder and harder to come up with something for them. So, didn't quite finish this goal yet, but I did have very limited time this week and got a lot done for the time I did have. I'll just stretch it out a little longer and overlap it with this next weeks goals.
I'm really enjoying setting goals for myself so I am almost forced to get some things done to better myself and to keep this story rolling, so for now I'm going to continue to do it. Hope I don't bore you with it all! If I do, oh well, you'll live. :P haha Hope everyone had a great week, and I'll post next week's goals in a little bit!

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