"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."
~William Wordsworth

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekly Goals #6: Wrap-up

This week was a little hit and miss, so I didn't do as well as I had hoped. However, I didn't completely flop either haha. The first goal was to dig in my closet and find my piano books. I didn't get this done sadly, but I am gonna shoot for getting back in there tomorrow. The second goal was to write 2000 words. This one I didn't quite hit either, but I didn't take into account that the book Inheritance came out at the beginning of the week, meaning I was going to pretty much become a hermit for the next few days. All else was abandoned so that I could read the epicness that was the last book in the Inheritance Cycle (Eragon books). Then, once I finished the book, I came back to work on my story and found that my free trial of Microsoft Office had ended! Meaning I couldn't do anything but view documents in Word! That was very frustrating, but I now have it back and am about to delve into that again. So, I don't think I got another 2000 words written this week, but I did get about half of it probably so at least I got some before I went into hermit stage. As for the third goal, we talked a bit about Thanksgiving and have tentative plans to stay here and just invite a couple of people to join us. If our plans don't change, I have also figured out what we would be having. So got about half the goals done this week despite my reclusive state most of the week haha. Next week's goals soon to come!

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