"Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart."
~William Wordsworth

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Everyone has at least one obsession. Whether it's with something small and harder to notice, or with something that consumes your life, you have at least one. The degree of the obsession can vary as well.
My obsession?
I am completely obsessed with them. They are so awesome and powerful, yet graceful and intelligent. I draw them, I write about them, I talk about them, I read about them, I listen to music about them, I watch movies about them, I play games with them. I'm not obnoxious about it (well except maybe to my husband, but he loves them too, so it's not the worst thing to smother him with), but if you come to our apartment, you will see dragons just about everywhere. Drawings, posters, decorations, figurines, books, games, movies...and if you look on my computer, a large portion of what's on there are dragon pictures, songs, and my dragon book in progress.
Yes, my dragon book. If you don't already know, I'm writing a book that's heavily about dragons. I've yet to find a book with enough dragons in it to satisfy my craving, even books about dragons don't have enough of them, I feel. That is why I'm writing my own dragon book, and it has a lot of dragons in it. If you don't like dragons, my book is not for you. Or perhaps it is. Perhaps you should read my book to better understand them and maybe then you would fall in love with them. I am writing this book for me, mostly. Anyway, enough on my book. If you are intrigued and want to know more, go to my other blog: http://heartofadragonseries.blogspot.com/
I wanted to share with my followers my one big obsession. I would love some comments with others' obsessions or make a post of your own even! I could go on and on and on about my obsession, but I'll leave it at that and put some of my favorite pictures of dragons up. Enjoy. ;)


Shell-Bell said...

It's a good thing our mascot was a dragon :) I love Harry Potter (it's almost disgusting with how much I am in love with it), The Beatles, and Journey :)

Christina Strang said...

It was a good thing our mascot was a Dragon! The coolest mascot ever! lol Those are some good obsessions! Harry Potter rocks! You are definitely not alone in that obsession. :D